Member-only story
And while we are living in an unprecedented time, I see the opportunity, hope, and resilience.
When life gives you lemons you might make lemonade. I will always make a French lemon tart instead. I have always been an optimistic kind of person. I definitely see the glass as half full rather than half empty. A silent enemy we cannot see is lurking about. Most of the world’s population is living in some form of quarantine as we search for a solution. And while though we are living in an unprecedented time of fear, I see the opportunity, hope, and resilience. Everyone I know has dug deep into their pantries and old recipe books and begun cooking fabulous meals. An explosion of just-baked loaves of bread, cookies of every kind, and other sweets have filled my social media feeds. Stressful times bring out the very best in people. Make this tart and join the covid-19 resistance.
The other day I sat in my house and noticed I had a bowl full of lemons looking for a new home. Normally they turn into preserved lemons; Greek lemon and egg soup; or as the acid for family favorite chickpea salads and bowls of hummus. Today I added my voice to the choir on social media. (ps — please watch my silly movie on how to make lemon tart at home on YouTube and subscribe while you are there).