Postcards from France: Cassoulet

A Cassoulet Crisis Averted

Francois de Melogue


Dear readers, by the time you see this post the storm will have passed and bright skies are prevailing again in my life. Rest assured that I am still very much alive, although I won’t lie, it was touch and go there for a while. The infamous ‘crises de Cassoulet’ has been averted.

In my darkest hour, I was ready to renounce my 58-year streak of gourmandizing. The end of any and all relationships with food seemed plausible and felt close at hand. I freely admit I may have done the exact same thing in a…



Francois de Melogue

My earliest attempt at cookery began with the filleting of my sister's goldfish at age 2 and cooking my pet rabbits by age 7. Life has been downhill ever since.